- knock it off
- koilonychia
- known thoroughly
- kelvin scale
- ketolysis
- kipps measure
- king size
- kobners phenomenon
- kw
- km
- kings
- katakna
- kings bench
- kings bench division
- kingship
- kwai
- kind of
- kipper
- knit up
- kinesthesis
- kick up feet
- kissing spine
- kumiss
- kinsmen
- kahlers disease
- knowingly
- koala bear
- key_to_disk
- key entry
- key telephone set
- knowingly throw oneself in danger
- knackers yard
- keyboarder
- knaggy
- knot in a silk_thread which is difficult to unknot
- kans grass
- kitemark
- keratitis punctata subepithelialis
- kick the shit out of
- kerb crawler
- keratosis pilaris
- karyocyte
- ko
- kell gene
- kellers reaction
- kick around
- kowtwo
- kick against
- kiliani synthesis
- keratoglobus