- ion engine
- indicator dilution method
- indicator light
- indicator method
- interruptible routine
- involving distress
- ironstone
- internal occipital crest
- internal organization
- in the grip of sufferings
- indecisive reflection
- inauspicious omened
- infection immunity
- impreciseness
- in single file
- in situ grafting
- impossibly
- infrequently
- in an appropriate manner
- if statement
- in what way
- in whatever place
- in (proper) order
- ipsus
- ipsiversive movement
- inadequately
- in that connection
- intestinum rectum
- innocent iii
- innocent viii
- intone
- intonaton
- intonate
- influent
- in the ascendant
- international fund for agiricultural development
- imposingly
- in this respect
- inherency
- inherited wealth
- imprudent
- intermediate colic lymph node
- implied addressing
- iron filing
- inhibiting
- impassable stricture
- imparting vitality
- impermeable
- incohabitability
- inexplicably