- in time
- in time for
- in so far
- innovatory
- image setter
- ionized
- immunological disorder
- immunoelectrophoretic method
- incubation temperature
- interstitial plasma cell pneumonia
- irradiation cystitis
- irradiation damage
- irradiation cataract
- irradiated_antihaemo_philic plasma
- irradiation carcinoma
- irradiation anaemia
- isocyanate
- iminazole
- impetigo neonatorum
- impetigo pityroides
- impetigo herperiformis
- impetigo bullosa neonatorum
- impetigo contagiosa
- immotile
- in_ articulate sound
- insurrectionary
- in the act of
- in the very act of
- implemental
- instrumental
- intermediate acting
- intermediate distributing frame
- intermediate equipment
- intermediate
- intermediate node
- intermediate total
- intermediate buffer
- intellectual faculty
- in nick
- in fettle
- infused by or imbued with
- in rapture
- insalubrious food
- insalubrious
- in calf
- inferred
- inference engine
- inferable
- inorganic
- inner condition