- inbred
- ironside
- ironman
- iron man
- iodize
- indue
- indulge
- individual character
- individual man
- individual
- internist
- inunction
- inattention
- imbibing
- indorse
- insurable interest
- implicit
- in back of
- impede
- impedance transformation
- intemperately
- interfere with
- interference dissociation
- inferiority
- investment advisor
- investment adviser
- in arrears
- input data
- input file
- infantile fixation
- imbecility
- international waters
- infective agent
- infectious agent
- ill will
- ingrate
- instigate
- instigator
- infuriation
- ireful
- iraqi national congress
- inclement
- I.D.
- Indian red
- indurated clay
- ill
- inadvisably
- intension
- intensity
- intensity of grief