- hornet
- hop it
- hoarding
- human audio system
- humility
- human aided machine translation
- happy medium
- hallal
- hard_earned
- holistic
- hello
- horsebox
- hotplate
- handbag
- hulled
- hand off
- he who has a mind to beat a dog will easily find a stick
- hold the line
- helter skelter
- hibiscus
- herewith
- histrionically
- haltingly
- health minister
- hire purchase
- honeymoon period
- honest: truthful
- hallucination
- hit the nail on the head
- horse barn
- hest
- hand truck
- handcart
- held
- hallo
- hang up on
- hook up with
- human activities of a deity god
- he_man
- haemal lymph node
- hustle and bustle
- hand to hand struggle
- hair bleach
- humero_radial
- hair bulb
- hirsute
- herbaceous
- haves and have_nots
- huge heap
- hanky panky