- have two bites at the cherry
- heperchamaerrhine
- hepercalcinuria
- hepercholesterolaemic
- have heart in mouth
- hogmanay
- horizontal circumference
- horizontal circumference of skull
- horizontal combination
- h_substance
- h_ titer
- h_अनुमापनांक
- heterophoralgia
- having sexual intercourse
- hepercalcaemia
- hepercorticoidism
- heperdynamic
- having resemblance
- high order position
- hepato lenticular
- hensens knot
- hepatic fibrosis
- horse_shoe
- hot property
- house warming
- heartless
- hoarfrost
- heroin
- halite (rock salt)
- hydrophytic plant
- hydrophyte
- higher caste
- height spinale posterior
- homolaterlal
- herpetic lesion
- hepato_renal syndrome
- haptophore group
- hepatolenticular degeneration
- harelip
- heartache
- husbandry
- health
- hijacking
- have on
- husband's sister
- husband's elder brother's wife
- help off with
- husband's younger brother's wife
- housemaid
- handmaid