- hard_of_hearing
- helter_skelter
- handily
- herediary paramyotomia
- helsingfors
- humorously
- healthful
- highest
- horse bean
- henri pitot
- homeward_bound
- homeward
- hash total
- hash
- hash value
- hashing technique
- Highland Scot
- hebei province
- heberden node
- harpulla
- harper's ferry
- have nothing to say for
- homewards
- HTLV_1
- human T_cell leukemia virus_1
- human hearing mechanism
- histaminergic nerve
- hejira
- hairlike
- heliotropism
- hegel
- hegelian
- hdl
- hand print
- hypnoanalysis
- heat barrier
- homological
- homologize
- homologise
- hull
- hysteroscopy
- health check_up
- have everything own way
- have eyes in the back of head
- housing start
- housing estate
- housman
- horse drawn
- have half a mind to
- hopped_up