- henry bolingbroke
- henry i
- henry laurens
- honey cake
- hawaiian islands
- hunter's chicken
- harriet beecher stowe
- homing torpedo
- Hasidim
- hinault
- having a reputation through one's own self
- having organising capability
- highly selective vagotomy
- haematin
- helminthemesis
- heuristic
- hepaticopsida
- hepaticojejunal anastomosis
- hotel detective
- house dick
- hawse
- hermann ludwig ferdinand von helmholtz
- hershey
- haemangiosarcoma
- haemodilution
- hattiesburg
- heart kymography
- heterophil test
- high tracheostomy
- haemagglutination technique
- haemagglutinin
- heloderma suspectum
- heloise
- haemangioendotheliosar_ coma
- haematinuria
- haemofuscin
- histopathological examination
- haemodiastase
- haemocytophagy
- hypovolaemic shock
- histochemical
- haemolytic antiserum
- Hand_Schuller_Christian disease
- haemolytic disease
- haemolytic disease of the new born
- haemolytic jaundice
- haemorrhagic cerebral stroke
- haemorrhagic diphtheria
- haemorrhagic diathesis
- haemorrhagic anaemia