- Hirudinidae
- huig de groot
- heart cherry
- highly_sexed
- henry luce
- henry robinson luce
- hertha
- hydromel
- harvest mouse
- house mouse
- havelock
- hooved
- hepatolienography
- hypobetalipoproteinemia
- hyperlipoproteinemia
- hirschsprung
- hereditary potential
- hippoglossus hippoglossus
- Hippoglossoides platessoides
- herrick
- hearts
- hospital chaplain
- homofermentive
- homosexual act between two females
- hedonism
- headache powder
- house paint
- house painter
- hand shovel
- hand to on a plate
- human papilloma virus
- hedge violet
- hara_kiri
- hearted
- Hawaiian honeycreeper
- house finch
- howard pyle
- heterozygous gene
- homarus vulgaris
- heat of solution
- heat of transformation
- heat of formation
- heat dissipation
- heat of dissociation
- hannover
- honestly
- holy grail
- hemiplegic
- hinny
- hard coal