- house_raising
- household iron forceps
- hell on earth
- houseguest
- heliosphere
- healthcare facility
- health facility
- heyward
- have young
- have a bone to pick with
- have a card up sleeve
- harbor patrol
- holcus lanatus
- hold breath
- hold at bay
- housekeep
- hindsight
- harborage
- have off pat
- havana
- have a bad opinion of
- have hysterics
- have undivided attention
- have time to play with
- handbuild
- hand_build
- househusband
- helpmeet
- hubel
- husband's elder brother's wife
- hook spanner
- hook wrench
- have back to the wall
- hand_pick
- hiddenness
- high pitch
- hurriedness
- hastiness
- handoff
- have a ball
- headspring
- head on
- harken
- hang it all
- hang in there
- hook of holland
- hash over
- headwaiter
- highchair
- homemaking