- grumbler
- gooey
- gelid
- gnathic index
- girdle of venus
- go and take a running jump
- giant cell arteritis
- gorgeously
- gold_smuggling
- get wires crossed
- great white shark
- god given
- gelded
- geological period
- grammatically correct
- germicidal
- genital prolapse
- genital groove
- genital wart
- globally accepted
- guard van
- gun dog
- golfing
- geld
- given too much of lift
- gratuity act
- guru's wife
- garrs sclerosing non suppurative osteomyelitis
- go bananas
- glabella
- general secretariat
- geographical
- groundwater level
- geophysicist
- gridiron tailed lizard
- gibraltar fever
- gmt
- geographically
- geographic isolation
- goa powder
- go on with you
- gradually
- general headquarters
- gamosepalous
- general sensation
- gliomatous cyst
- guitar
- guitar (a musical instrument)
- gun metal
- general election