- glimpse
- go cart
- gold or silver plated multi_coloured paper
- gifted with an aesthetic sense
- gifted with laudable ways
- germinative layer
- great grand_daughter
- good son (s)
- greatness
- go far towards
- go elsewhere for a change
- go far
- going ahead
- general secretary
- grammarian
- golden
- go overboard
- gold or silver thread:
- giving a form
- get finger burned
- glow_ worm
- glower
- get an eyeful of
- get off cheaply
- get on like a house on fire
- gypsy rose lee
- gouda cheese
- goug layer
- gouged out
- grudging
- given to reading
- glory days
- greenhouse effect
- greenhouse warming
- georg simon ohm
- good riddance
- get out of
- grand total
- gyrostabilizer
- gear change
- generative cell
- genital cell
- gametocyte
- gonorrheal
- gave—feminine plural past tense form of
- gimlet
- general introduction (of a subject etc.)
- gastrointestinal cytology
- grain_porter
- given to wandering