- fawn
- flourishirg
- fired
- find text string
- flattering (as
- fragrance
- ferocious beast
- foolishness
- fattyinfiltration of the liver
- foolishness stupidity
- fiddle
- fiddle around
- female chest
- fatalistically
- fester
- frostbite
- feminineness
- female bonding
- fit to be kept under subjugation
- fillip
- fierce
- fierce fighting
- fever blister
- for a time
- fortissimo
- forte
- free from traditionality
- filigree
- filiform wart
- forme_fruste
- formatter
- feckless
- freehand
- freehanded
- fluency
- frou_frou (of leaves)
- from elsewhere
- firing angle
- fisherman's knot
- for the world
- for the third time
- for the record
- fashionable
- forthcomingness
- freezedrying
- fatah
- fat_soluble
- force the pace
- force velocity curve
- fistmele