- forger
- flying jib
- flexible capsule
- flexible manufacturing system
- flexible collodion
- fit to be kidnapped
- fit to be written
- fertile
- fertile crescent
- father's name
- filial
- flute glass
- flute
- feeling of inferiority
- fire_flame bush
- fleeting rash
- fondness
- fit to be or worth being killed
- forest god
- forester
- forest preservation
- forest_faring
- forest red gum
- filled with shame
- favourable eye
- favourable disposition
- favourable look or disposition
- favourable to you
- footling presentation
- fourth_year
- flab
- fissalparous
- fishy
- filled or strewn with dust
- filled with or full of smoke or fume
- foreshow
- flexed arm splint
- forced ventilation
- forceful current of water (in a river etc.)
- frail
- feasibleness
- feasance
- frame press
- feeling somewhat shy
- fibrill
- female having a very good voice
- female friend
- fighting hand to hand
- fighting to ensue
- fighting and killing