- fast_flying bird
- for being seen
- for perusal
- food court
- forecourt
- flower offering
- fish oil
- fish plate
- flash camera
- file server
- fingertip
- father's sister
- first_born
- fly in the face of
- fossil alkali
- fifty three
- fifty_eight
- fifty_five
- fiifty_one (nm) the number fifty_one
- fifty_one
- fifty_two
- fifty_seven
- fifty seven
- field marshal
- fifty two
- flat and tuft_like tail_end
- fire in the ocean
- fire opal
- flume system
- frontier settlement
- fronted (in linguistics)
- forex
- front runner
- fingerlike
- fractional dose
- fractional concentration
- fortuitious
- fractionally crystallised
- fractional testmeal
- fatalism
- fatalism determination
- fore_runner
- freefone
- freedom to bear arms
- fit all round
- flower_pot
- friedlanders bacillus
- fried rice
- French fritter
- frederic william goudy