- floating_moss
- fiddle_shaped
- fiddlehead fern
- fan jet
- French bracken
- film emulsion
- film festival
- feather crystal
- fat metabolism
- flyswat
- flyswatter
- flashlight fish
- frogfish
- fond (of)
- fatless
- fats and oils
- facultative pathogen
- filial duty
- feculence
- fire walking
- formalities
- fundraiser
- fetlock joint
- foetomaternal transfusion
- finance committee
- forestation
- from time immemorial
- frontal suture
- first cause
- field strength unit
- flare star
- flashing
- fosse
- felis serval
- for each person
- floating_point notation
- floating_point representation system
- fixed_point notation
- family Schistosomatidae
- Fasciolidae
- family Branchiobdellidae
- family Terebellidae
- family Filariidae
- Filariidae
- fenestra ovalis
- fenestra vestibuli
- fenestra of the vestibule
- feudal lord
- fess up
- food hamper