- fancy free
- flesh eating
- figure loom
- figure of 8 configuration
- figure of eight motion
- finger wave
- fleitmanns test
- flemingia congesta
- four_stroke internal_combustion engine
- four_stroke engine
- frostiness
- frozen pudding
- frozen yogurt
- frozen custard
- frost's bolete
- flodden
- fogbank
- fog lamp
- fog horn
- fisticuffs
- fridge freezer
- friday week
- frijol
- freeze_drying
- flathead catfish
- frozen section
- frozen shoulder
- frowzy
- frozen serum
- feterita
- free association
- fratercula corniculata
- flyspeck
- fermion
- finger spelling
- fascioplasty
- forty_nine
- fetishize
- Forssman antibody
- Flemish
- field hut
- flame shaped stria
- friar's_cowl
- friar preacher
- fringe_area
- family isoetaceae
- frothiness
- filaree
- flowering almond
- ferine