- family caeciliidae
- family caeciliadae
- family caenolestidae
- fine_tune
- flowering shrub
- flamboyant tree
- family caesalpiniaceae
- feathertop
- family Poaceae
- family Gramineae
- feather reed grass
- family Graminaceae
- field balm
- fateful
- fatal
- flagroot
- fluxing lime
- figuring
- flannelbush
- flannel bush
- four o'clock
- family cyrilliaceae
- fern genus
- fibrosis
- fibrocystic disease of the pancreas
- fibrocystic breast disease
- fibrocystic disease of the breast
- fragile fern
- five_membered
- fenestration
- functioning
- foremost
- foreign mission
- fondle
- focus
- fullback
- frolic
- freedom
- free rein
- fool around
- feather
- fudge
- fax
- freemail
- fradicin
- Fremontia
- Fremontodendron
- Flacourtia
- Fouquieria
- Firmiana