- danthron
- dogs_tooth check
- dietrich
- dyers oak
- dactylitis
- dactylography
- dactylion ii
- diodone
- dactyloscopy
- dactylometer
- decapotoma lunata
- diodon holocanthus
- dove's foot geranium
- djinns
- dewars formula
- day in and day out
- delibes
- dried milk
- dakins solution
- data contamination
- dracontium
- dichromatic
- daltons law of partial pressure
- dilacerated
- disfigurement
- destroying (the effect of) a sin
- dime
- dime bag
- diauxic organism
- demographist
- deaf_mute
- deaf_and_dumb
- demonstrator
- doris lessing
- damselfly
- dimorphous form of leprosy
- dragon's teeth
- devil's darning needle
- digital audio work station
- digital block
- data broadcasting
- denervation of hip
- deuteronomy
- danilone
- data in voice
- data integrity
- data terminal equipment
- data graphics
- data examination
- data switching centre