- dehusking
- dietetic history
- documental
- democratic republic of sao tome and principe
- dysthymia
- dysthymic depression
- drosky
- double_entry bookkeeping
- diphyollobothrium latum
- dipyrrylmethanes
- dubbin
- diogenes
- dihydroxysuccinic acid
- disk volume
- disk storage module
- disk controller
- disk_based
- drip mat
- dichotomising search
- dichotomously branched
- dichotomization
- direct access hash
- direct broadcast
- direct access enquiry
- direct coding
- direct addressing
- dental extraction
- dental liniment
- dental occlusion
- digital audio
- dolabriform
- deep middle cerebral vein
- disconcertingly
- dobrich
- decussation of lemniscus
- demille
- demilune cell
- deckle_edged
- disagreeably
- direct memory access
- direct outward dialing
- diet_salubrious or otherwise (according to prescription)
- double register
- dematerialization
- Diodon hystrix
- dibranchia
- dibranchiata
- dystrophic
- drum printer
- dyslogistic