- dressing sack
- drumhead court_martial
- demerara
- demerara rum
- doorsill
- doorhandle
- Donatist
- Druse
- disciotis venosa
- djanet
- dj
- double_hung window
- dormer
- dormer window
- display window
- double glazing
- double_magnum
- dopy
- December 8
- drooping brome
- downy cheat
- downy chess
- downy bromegrass
- downy brome
- differential solubility
- difference of nature
- differential leucocyte count
- doge
- department of justice canada
- dojc
- diary keeper
- double_chinned
- defensive policy
- day of judgment
- day of judgement
- default judgement
- deoxyribonucleic acid
- desoxyribonucleic acid
- drooping juniper
- delta wing
- dichloramine
- dichloroethylene
- dichlorocarbon peroxide
- dendrologist
- dendroidal
- douglas pine
- dwarfishness
- Dominican mahogany
- domestic relations court
- divorce court