- distal partial gastrectomy
- ditch fern
- depopulate
- desolate jungle
- drainage ditch
- desert fever
- dendroaspis augusticeps
- ditch spade
- drying curve
- dry goods
- drydock
- dish washer
- dye_works
- dextrose
- depended
- Dioscorea
- Dromaeosauridae
- Dermochelyidae
- deossification
- dialyse
- diabetic
- Desmidium
- defensive attitude
- dress whites
- diving board
- dirndl
- drepanocytosis
- dress blues
- dress rack
- dress ship
- dress code
- dress hanger
- dragnet
- dhoti
- downcast state
- dilater
- dermatome
- dickey
- dickensian
- diesinker
- diemaker
- downy
- diphyllobothriasis
- door guard
- Defender of the Faith
- Dona
- Diegueno
- Dracenaceae
- Dracaenaceae
- densitometry