- denver
- demonolatry
- devil_worship
- diabolatry
- disafforest
- deforest
- disadvantageous
- disbelieve
- distrustfulness
- disintegration test
- deal with the devil in his own way
- dispensary
- drive by
- dental care
- doctor of osteopathy
- direct trust
- discretionary trust
- devotional songs
- disamayed
- dyspneic
- dyspneal
- dyspnoeal
- diverting
- deride
- down tools
- despondent
- down in the dumps
- demoralising
- demoralizing
- dry_gulching
- deservingness
- divine wrath
- dictates of destiny
- distraint
- distrained
- defalcate
- directionless
- double over
- draw_ back
- direct cultivation
- divine vangeance
- drowsiness (resulting from inadequate sleep etc.)
- disgraceful deed
- displeased
- dolour
- dolor
- death rate
- death row
- death adder
- dirtless