- conversion mode
- change character
- conjugase
- conjugate
- causing obstruction
- cerebropontine fibre
- cerebro_spinal rhinorrhea
- co_professional
- clown
- clowes membrane oxygenator
- clown anemone fish
- comedo
- considering oneself to be too prudent
- convincingness
- cross_reference
- carefree and innocent nature
- carefree
- clamant
- compton
- copulatory
- corn beef
- corned beef
- coondog
- chipolata
- chorizo
- consistent
- crossed paraplegia
- contrafagotto
- counter intelligence
- cross current
- contrarily
- cross_grained
- consubstantiation
- capitation
- covalent crystal
- covalent attachment
- cross_link
- chemical cauterization
- compression bandage
- centrifugal pump
- crammed full
- complete submergence
- conveyer
- clanging
- clangor
- clang association
- clang
- clangour
- crash dive
- clangorous