- co_patriot
- crackling
- coccidiodial granuloma
- coniferophytina
- conidia
- celery stick
- corticotropin_releasing activity
- climatic adaptation
- capital cost
- common starling
- chicken taco
- chicken stew
- chicken cacciatora
- caudated
- caption
- caudine forks
- colonoscopy
- chicken soup
- consomme
- carnation
- cash memo
- compactly
- concentration expression
- carbocain
- common reed
- commonweal
- carrizo
- Chionochloa conspicua
- commercial break
- censoriously
- city walls
- censorious
- christmas tree
- cuddle up
- cuddle
- casement
- cane blight
- corbel
- corbel arch
- creeper
- come again%3F
- chariness
- cliff hanger
- cross fading
- cross_eyed (person)
- cross my heart
- cross matching test
- causing destruction of life
- cross bencher
- cattle_food (consisting of chaff and oilcake mixed together)