- clockwise rotation
- collotype
- coelostat
- charger
- clip_on
- catalytic converter
- computer art
- computer assisted management
- cystodiathermy
- cysto_urethrography
- cystoscope
- controlling dose
- ceramic
- car window
- carabelis pit and groove
- coprosterol
- contageous abortion
- convincingly
- convincible
- consecutive(ly)
- consecutively
- cursory
- combating belligerent
- combatively
- combative
- colporrhaphy
- colpomicroscope
- colpectomy
- cupid—god of love
- certain to disappear soon
- class acrasiomycetes
- catechesis
- catechetical instruction
- continuing education
- class coniferopsida
- class mastigophora
- class struggle
- cross sectional testing
- come hell or high water
- colorful
- climbing jasmine
- colter
- coquettish
- coxasackie group_b meningitis
- coxiella
- completely submerged
- colour_sense
- colorado spruce
- clinician
- chief of a convoy