- cherbourg
- capital of togo
- cantharellus clavatus
- critical fusion frequency
- capital of gabon
- copley
- caricaturist
- chronic progressive ophthalmoplegia
- coaxal
- capital of portugal
- caroticoclinoid
- complement fixation
- crna gora
- crossopterygii
- capital of belgium
- class taxopsida
- chromosomal sex determination
- chromosomal type
- commercial credit
- chalasia
- caramelize
- clxxx
- come out of shell
- crista dividens
- compound number
- centrifugality
- cerebro_vascular disease
- cholane
- class aphasmidia
- cellulosic acid
- chromaffinoma
- colloidal albuminous matter
- cholestenone
- cholesterolgenic
- common bog rosemary
- christmas cracker
- cooing murmur
- continuous simulation
- colpotomy
- columbary
- chromocenter
- chromones
- colloid_osmotic haemolysis
- counter extension
- chest tone
- chest voice
- card mount
- class phaeophyceae
- cupel
- centricae