- cornstalk
- chari river
- conditional statement
- cryostat
- cosimo de medici
- capital of barbados
- clement xi
- capital of mexico
- cuckoldry
- cohobation
- control terminal
- class trematoda
- coulisse
- cold_nodule
- canape
- contestable
- chartres
- comparable to
- covalant compound
- couture
- cosmological constant
- city patrol
- critical threshold
- clive sinclair
- centreboard
- cinematic
- clv
- circinate retinopathy
- city university
- ciudad bolivar
- cape kennedy
- compound pistil
- carpel
- cross hatching
- chronic venous insufficiency
- cunaxa
- capital of liberia
- coherent modulation
- cardiac volume
- cardiac transplantation
- cardioneurosis
- cardiophonogram
- city_bred
- city_born
- cityfied
- commodore john barry bridge
- cardiovasculorenal
- circulus arteriosus iridis major
- circulatory stagnation
- clove hitch