- Canada ginger
- columbus
- columbite_tantalite
- creeping oxalis
- cnidosporidia
- cuckoo bread
- common wood sorrel
- common american shad
- chesapeake bay
- common apricot
- colette
- Chinese rhubarb
- clover_root
- cloveroot
- contempt of congress
- celestial horizon
- chuckhole
- charles laughton
- choropleth map
- crested myna
- coenobite
- catty
- cattleship
- cleistocarp
- chloris gayana
- corypha gebanga
- cortaderia selloana
- corslet
- cortaderia richardii
- copernicia alba
- capital of arizona
- cocopah
- curled leaf pondweed
- curly pondweed
- cephalanthera rubra
- Colchicum
- cenchrus ciliaris
- Commelinaceae
- cattail family
- class monocotyledones
- captive finance company
- class liliopsida
- class monocotyledonae
- clothes closet
- cheap_jack
- cutler
- cheesemonger
- chandler
- cargo ships
- chop shop