- craven
- cowed
- clumsily
- cowbird
- contritely
- crampfish
- cleanliness. neatness
- carpet beater
- cleanness
- cellarage
- cellaret
- convex shape
- convexity
- commodiousness
- cordiality
- comlex
- czar alexander ii
- come down on
- coalmine
- chop suey
- Cockcroft_Walton voltage multiplier
- collider
- Cockcroft_Walton accelerator
- Cockcroft and Walton accelerator
- Cockcroft and Walton voltage multiplier
- crackling noise (as of a slap)
- crackling noise
- channel islands national park
- channel error
- contra_ vention
- carew
- christ within
- clot buster
- credits
- criminal justice
- celebrex
- cunning
- cul de sac
- closed circuit televison
- corelated character
- cash price
- cash down
- captor
- cognation
- childlessness
- cost_plus contract
- contract of hazard
- contract under seal
- conditional contract
- contract of adhesion