- cessation of work
- comeupance
- concede
- capitulary
- circinate
- cancellated
- cliff effect
- condonation
- city state
- city_state
- country code
- cross_country skiing
- campers facial profile angle
- cow_breeding
- cowgirl
- ceric ammonium sulphate
- ceres
- claymore mine
- Centaurium minus
- Centaurium scilloides
- columbite
- Catananche caerulea
- centaurea nigra
- conenose
- cone_nosed bug
- cotton rose
- cudweed
- cudpahnut
- cape may
- cape lobster
- Canada anemone
- corn speedwell
- common speedwell
- cheirogaleinae
- cross immunity
- cross legged
- corkboard
- coronation
- catarrhal gastritis
- catarrhal croup
- chronic villous arthritis
- chronic_relapsing polyneuropathy
- costia
- costing nine lacs of rupees
- camelopard
- canine distemper
- chorea gravidarum
- chorea gravis
- cupid_the god of love
- cowberry