- chickasaw plum
- chicken and rice
- copious
- cape hunting dog
- croupette
- contestee
- croupier's rake
- chemical decomposition reaction
- chemotherapy
- contrabass
- Coleonyx
- Crocodylus
- Chrysemys
- Chamaeleo
- Chlamydosaurus
- Chilomeniscus
- Crotalus
- Cordylidae
- Carphophis
- Chronoperates
- Caretta
- Cnemidophorus
- Chelydra
- Crotaphytus
- Charina
- crapulent
- candlepin bowling
- candlepins
- cat's cradle
- cat and mouse
- cat and rat
- child's body
- curling iron
- curliness
- cottage pink
- cheddar pink
- cross_town
- common garden cress
- churidars
- cultivated strawberry
- cinnamon stone
- cockloft
- continuous creation theory
- cell theory
- corpuscular theory
- corpuscular theory of light
- cell doctrine
- combat_ready
- climactic
- combat area