- clamp
- crp
- cesarean
- caesarean section
- cesarean section
- cesarian
- caesarean delivery
- caesarian delivery
- cesarean delivery
- caesarean
- cesarian section
- caesarian
- cotinga
- cock of the rock
- Cephalopterus ornatus
- century
- coulomb
- country music
- clef
- compiler
- caesarian section
- corvine bird
- chatter mark
- conversationalist
- caller_up
- chattering
- conversationist
- caller
- calcium
- calcium ion
- california
- crap
- compartment
- carriage
- camarilla
- clique
- coterie
- camp
- conjure
- conspire
- cabbala
- cryptical
- complot
- cabbalah
- cabassous
- cabassous unicinctus
- cabbage bark
- cabbage butterfly
- cabbage palm
- cabbage_bark tree