- commercial bribery
- connected with one's mental impressions
- cough drop
- clear the throat
- card player
- cary grant
- connect function
- connarus guianensis
- connect time
- connected with
- connected storage
- cell phone
- chemical cell
- casein glue
- car pool
- cigar band
- craniometer
- counter tube
- chronoscope
- cryoscope
- cassette deck
- cartoon strip
- catch a glimpse
- charlottetown
- charm campaign
- charm the pants off
- catch death of cold
- cannulisation
- cannulization
- canulation
- canuck
- cannulation
- come home to roost
- cataplasm
- cowbell
- church bell
- castanets
- clappers
- campania
- cubitus
- cubital joint
- catheterize
- cordon off
- clevis
- canicule
- canicular days
- carbonara
- clip board
- clio
- clip artist