- climbing boneset
- coral pea
- cruel plant
- climbing hempweed
- cuckoopint
- caranx crysos
- creutzfeldt_jakob disease
- carassius
- creviced
- charity
- capital of the united kingdom
- cuckoo
- canis aureus
- canid
- crown
- crownwork
- capital of mississippi
- cortical epilepsy
- carangid fish
- carangid
- cigarfish
- coachwhip
- cochran
- cartier
- charles
- cousteau
- convulse
- coastal diving bird
- carbohydrate
- carter
- cooper
- cattell
- connors
- capital of jamaica
- captain james cook
- confined
- captain cook
- crichton
- capital of indonesia
- cjd
- chili
- chili pepper
- chile
- chilly
- chipotle
- cayenne pepper
- capsicum annuum longum
- chilli pepper
- cayenne
- capparis cynophallophora