- centner
- carat
- constantan
- computerisation
- concert piano
- chiliasm
- chili vinegar
- contrivance
- convenience
- codfish
- collecting
- coin collecting
- compilation
- conchology
- coin collection
- covey
- convocation
- carload
- commune
- crew
- contingent
- cast of characters
- cortege
- collection of choicest or representative writings
- collection of such doctrines
- complect
- chitlings
- china
- causeless
- confer
- causeway
- coney island
- collogue
- chat a blue streak
- chastity to be in danger or jeopardy
- chat show
- chat nineteen to dozen
- cysteine
- chin up
- canavanine
- creatin
- cystine
- creatine
- citrulline
- corporeal
- clotbur
- cloth cap
- covered bridge
- chirpy
- chaucer