- classicize
- concentrate
- coagulate
- convert
- cause to sleep
- chasten
- compensate
- classicise
- constitutionalise
- complicate
- commix
- chord
- coarsen
- circularize
- constitutionalize
- colly
- change over
- corrupt
- collimate
- crush
- communize
- change taste
- customise
- cook
- commercialize
- contribute
- commute
- conventionalise
- changan
- change (of currency)
- change down
- change back
- change up
- cogitate
- cerebrate
- come_at_able
- consult
- cite
- castrate
- copy
- course
- cussedly
- contrary to
- contrariwise
- contrary to rule
- certificate of indebtedness
- crack on
- crack on with
- corporate bond
- coupon bond