- cold sterilizer
- cold_knife conization
- cryanaesthesia
- catch napping
- catch on the wrong foot
- catch on the hop
- corectopia
- crus of the penis
- coruscant
- crutcher
- concentrated solution
- certified public accountant
- cutaneous anthrax
- concentration co_efficient
- capacitance vein
- counterpunch
- chlorotic
- chebulilc myrobalan
- crosby biopsy capsule
- crithedia
- control objective
- control station
- cheque dishonoured
- cancerologist
- conditional transfer instruction
- concurrent list
- curtate
- craniolacunia
- compulsive tic
- card reproducer
- card_to_disk utility
- card pack
- card punch
- card programmed computer
- chiropractic
- cold pressing
- coaster
- clamp down on
- copaifera lansdorfi
- computational
- culpability
- capitalistic imperialism
- confidence level
- central chemoreceptor
- cranial fossa
- clive staples lewis
- civil disobedience
- circulatory hypoventilation
- carbimino haemoglobin
- circumcorneal injection