- conceived
- charitably
- cyto_chemical
- cell differentiation
- cover page
- contact sensitization
- change tune
- cytotoxic
- cytochemistry
- cytolysin
- capillary haemostasis
- cytological screening
- card verifying
- caster sugar
- castor sugar
- contingency fund
- conceitedly
- constant instruction
- constant storage
- concreteness
- come to nothing
- corpu scallosum forceps
- count in
- change tape
- change file
- circulating blood volume
- circulatory dysfunction
- chorionic plate
- concocted
- craniorhachischisis
- coloured halo
- contact therapy
- continental shelf
- collar – stud abscess
- clean and tidy
- creatinine co_efficient
- clock_ wise
- coronary cataract
- cpcj
- central origin
- co planar
- cyclotropia
- central frequency
- clean away
- clear away
- corner shop
- crown_rump length
- coordination committee for vocabulary
- cut method
- coronal section