- cupidity
- compelled
- constrained
- casually
- causality
- colophon
- convulsive disorder
- chord height index
- combined station
- commercial art
- chamber of commerce
- circumoral pallor
- casonis intracutaneous test
- cuban sandwich
- columba palumbus
- crocus
- chatting
- centralize
- compact disc
- crocker mouse sarcoma
- commotio retinae
- civilian rights
- citizens arrest
- citizenry
- citizens band
- civil power
- casserole
- checkers
- corixa mercenaria
- castor oil
- cyclone
- cyclonic
- chital
- congregation of stars
- cottager
- clinic
- chateau
- council of war
- causation
- codger
- cannot win a war
- closed circuit grinding process
- chick embryocell culture
- canton de geneve
- comfort station
- cephalometry
- clinodiagonal
- claustrophobia
- closed liver biopsy
- closed bed