- co_efficient of variation
- cut a long story short
- conscientious objector
- cannon fodder
- clandestine existence
- confoundedness
- confusion and disorder
- costermonger
- calls
- crystallized
- controlling interest
- contrary to all expectations
- configuration section
- cushioned mattress
- cardinal number
- compute
- completion code
- clutch at
- cop hold of
- catch at
- confinement
- comings and goings
- come for
- count against
- chop a way through
- causing fatigue
- countable noun
- count noun
- check sth out
- countervailing duty
- cut off nose to spite face
- current or prevalent meaning
- cash and carry
- conductive
- cosmetic blemishes
- coin catcher
- contractual
- combustion chamber
- care (of)
- cosmetically
- cross country
- curtain raiser
- cuckoo clock
- conversation on a variety of topics
- consort
- cash on delivery
- chianti
- comic strip
- cantata
- compiled by the sage_philosopher vya:s or ba:dra:yāṉ