- coldhearted
- cold hearted
- creamy_white
- critical remark
- cornet
- counterfoil
- come unstuck
- cingulate area
- concert grand
- calcaneo_cavus deformity
- central tarsorrhaphy
- catch some zs
- citrated blood
- centipede
- continuing
- ceaselessly
- continually
- consistently
- contextual
- cream of boiled milk
- cylindrical graduates
- carbondioxide combining power
- conk out
- cyanophoric glycoside
- charged with the same duties
- compote
- caloric test
- caloric quotient
- calorie co_efficient
- captcha
- cardio_vascular radiology
- car park
- cool as a cucumber
- carcinogen hydroxylase
- comb_like
- card reader
- call a halt
- chalk out
- crush out
- coeliac disease
- compelled by (as
- chaser
- conclusion of a session
- cycle count
- cycle index
- come over funny
- come over queer
- come over dizzy
- come over faint
- come over giddy