- consumer preference test
- colonel blimp
- country house
- country seat
- country club
- card set
- consolute solution
- croupier
- contract out
- controlled
- card carrying
- ceruloplasmin
- ciliary vein
- circumvented
- contriver
- carrier pigeon
- closed book
- coordinates
- czarina
- coefficient
- convolvuaceae
- come of age
- consonating rale
- clownlike
- clownish
- creche
- childproof
- catalonian
- count out
- come off worst
- come off worse
- corticogram
- cumulative action
- coda
- crackerjack
- chorio_adenoma destruens
- central exchange
- coordinating
- chantey
- chanty
- criterion
- criteria
- causing dreams
- carrying out of orders
- complicity
- cockiness
- chiromancer
- classical music
- chestnut tree
- criminologist