- cohesion
- country_made
- caprimulgid
- cicada
- caterpiller
- coecus
- cooked food gathered in alms from different sources
- conditioning equipment
- citronella grass
- cost price
- cart horse
- circumstantial
- compressed
- chilean peso
- colombian peso
- cuban peso
- chamomile
- courting
- complaint to magistrate
- campbellostock sunshine recorder
- conquer
- copulatory postures
- cranium
- calvaria
- cruet
- container format
- conciliatory method
- conduit
- clear the way
- compound interest
- coed
- coeducation
- corrupted
- culprit
- colonization
- carafe
- cooker
- clay pigeon
- cauldron
- cupful
- commandership
- continuous form card
- conqueror
- crop spray
- conscientiously
- cold war
- cowardice
- cheerlessness
- consciousness raising
- contagion: contamination