- caretaker (government)
- chemical agent
- common or garden
- construe
- control over one's sensual pleasures or appetites
- consumed
- complication (in a dramatic plot)
- clubbed finger
- conjoined twin
- collaborate
- chickpeas
- current record
- crack shot
- childishness
- common pepper
- care of (c
- contradicted
- cynic
- contraceptive device
- contraceptive diaphragm
- cash in hand
- customary presents and gifts on festive occasions (to those relatives and dependents who are entitled by virtue of their relationship)
- cross fingers
- cyberloaf
- catch fancy
- compensasation
- conduct disturbance
- concentrates
- created
- come in for
- camels hair
- camel hair
- comb_shaped appliance for weaving
- club used in physical exercise
- content analysis
- charades
- coefficient (mathematics)
- counter productive
- chamae_cephalic
- cucurbit
- city's main police_station
- case finding
- council chamber
- countryside
- chief whip
- chief minister
- charantish
- consequential
- charged
- coastguard