- arafura sea
- araguaia river
- azurite
- amblyomma ameriicamm
- amphodiplopia
- amygdaloinsular fasciculus
- adaptive differential pulse code modulation
- atropinism
- aegospotami
- acarus scabiei
- albumosuria
- aelius donatus
- acanthia
- allantoic vesicle
- a game not worth the candle
- adenocalyx
- andromeda polifolia
- agaricus campestris
- anomalistic year
- antidromic impulse
- antidromic stimulation
- antoine lavoisier
- antianabolic
- a violent blow
- acute arterial insufficiency
- active immunity
- alan mathison turing
- a leading peasant
- absorption loss
- absorpotion collapse of lung
- anterior parietal obliquity
- adrenal tumour
- agrotype
- as long as the ganges (and the jamuna) flows (flow)
- april fools'
- a new lease of life
- aurous
- altoona
- aiff
- actnomyces bovis
- auriculo_parietal angle
- a devil of a time
- acquired retroversion
- amphophil
- anglesea island
- anglesey
- aeneas
- aeneid
- a rent_free grantee
- alpine people