- acne disseminata
- ascending node
- ascending lumbar vein
- a loyal devotee
- an important muslim festival
- a daughter's son
- allelic series
- allelomorphism
- arthur fiedler
- admiralty islands
- as the wind blows
- a much of water has flowed under the bridge
- all over the body
- as wide asunder as heaven and earth
- a yogic posture wherein one stands upright on one's head
- alaska range
- agrobiologist
- andalucia
- arterio_venous aneurysm
- angiocardiography
- alkylbenzenesulfonate
- ammonium carbamate
- aetiological
- acylating agent
- acromatic fluid bed drier
- amidin
- a ridge
- a factionalist
- a syndicate
- angor
- a soap_cake
- austenite
- a measure of five cubits (equal to the length of a man with hands stretched over_ head)
- a martyr's day
- a curd_pot
- a heart of gold
- antigenic structure
- a spokesman of the scriptures (shastras) or a discipline
- antigenic value test
- a postal order
- apexcardiogram
- a junction of three roads
- active master item
- active transport
- acute benign lymphoblastosis
- a life_ boat
- a typical indigenous sweetmeat
- a typical dish of snacks
- anencephalic monster
- a sub_division