- alkalosis
- alkaptonuria
- a horse
- a lion_like man
- a lion_hearted
- a goose
- an ancient courteous form of address
- air hole
- aromatic nucleus
- aromatic bitters
- a raw deal
- a digit or one sixteenth of the moon's diameter
- anniellidae
- atmospheric pressure
- air pressure
- ambulance chaser
- a railway train
- aggro
- an altercation
- arguing for the sake of argument
- articulately
- adhocracy
- agency security
- agenda item
- a politician
- air transportation
- air transport
- air transportation system
- Albigenses
- Amish sect
- a small bundle
- adjuration
- a territory
- agent_in_place
- autotelism
- Aristotelianism
- acerophobia
- Athanasian Creed
- antifeminism
- amorally
- apophatism
- areopagus
- areolate
- agronomical
- agronomy
- arborist
- adenylic acid
- alla nazimova
- antipyretic action
- anatomise