- attention getting
- an admonition
- a gentle reproof
- a charm
- arnica
- accentor
- astroglide
- a decree to be granted (in favour of)
- anti_diuretic
- aplastic
- antejentaculum
- a turn of the screw
- aqueous alcohol
- archdiocase
- antitrypnsic
- abrachia
- act or process of appreciation
- anticoagulant therapy
- acidotic breathing
- absolute zero
- absolute threshold
- a naval fleet
- a disorder in which the intestinum rectum is prolapsed
- adorning
- auditory vertigo
- auditory training
- auditory perception
- auditosensory area
- air pump
- air resistance
- airlock
- achromatinic
- apneustic
- after_potential
- antiquarianism
- a reference book
- antianemics
- a host of small children
- abdominal myomectomy
- acupuncture anaesthesia
- anastomosing
- accessory during the fact
- accessory before the fact
- acanthocyte
- autohaemolysis
- antihaemophilic serum
- automated bibliography
- agrobiodiversity
- a royal writ
- a trojan horse