- as much as can do
- a calamitous proposition
- an oyster
- a pearl oyster
- a chimpanzee
- auburn
- a javelin_bearer
- artificial hypothermia
- an address expressive of disrespect or intimate relationship
- a coordinator
- analgesiometric technique
- aberrance
- aberrancy
- alternate host
- anthracotherium
- a fast_moving she_camel
- a hobby
- arfonade
- autonomously
- alterable
- able to be changed
- as seen
- as mentioned
- as directed
- assailing
- a game in which sixteen kauṛi:s (or pebbles etc.) are used
- a ceremony performed in or about the eighth month of a woman's pregnancy
- andaman sea
- achluophobia
- ahead of
- aspirational sinusitis
- an uxorious husband
- acute oxgyen lack
- acute typhoid cholecystitis
- acute anicteric hepatitis
- associate element
- anti_progressive
- accept (a bill of exchange)
- alteration (used as the second member of the compound
- advanced technology
- advanced information system
- allow of
- argument address
- a speech
- a word ending in i:
- a word expressing contemptuous indignation
- acromiothoracic arch
- abactio
- azotemic
- aether